There are a number of ways in which you can give financial support to Abbey Church. These are set out below in brief. If you would like to take up one of these schemes or change the way in which you currently give, please speak to our Treasurer, Stuart Ainslie or our Gift Aid co-ordinator, Phil Spencer. Whichever way you choose, we are extremely grateful for all donations.
The Offering
The offering is taken during every Sunday morning service, by means of collecting plates at the door. To make your offering most tax efficient, please use the envelope scheme (see below) or gift-aid envelopes which are available from the back of the church or Stewards.
Standing Order
Standing Order is our preferred method of giving because it is the most efficient for yourself and the Abbey Church. Simply set up a standing order with your bank for the amount you wish to regularly give, specify the regularity and day on which the payment should be made and everything is arranged.
Download this Standing Order form to give to your bank, or set up your Standing Order electronically using the details below (see BACS Payments section). If you are a UK tax payer, don't forget to Gift Aid your donations (see below).
The Envelope Scheme
This is an organised scheme where by you become a registered but anonymous giver. You will be issued with a supply of small envelopes with your own personal registration number printed on it. Simply place your giving (cash or cheque) into the envelope, seal it, and place this into the Offering bag when it is circulated during morning worship. If you are a UK tax payer, please also complete a gift-aid declaration which means we can make your financial gift tax efficient (see below). Please make cheques payable to 'Abbey Church'.
One-off financial donation
You may feel more comfortable making a one-off financial donation - this can either be discussed with one of the Elders, our Treasurer or made anonymously.
Legacy - remembering Abbey Church in your Will
Leaving a legacy in your will is a truly fantastic way of providing financial help to Abbey Church's mission and ministry. If this is something which you are contemplating, may we thank you greatly, in advance!
BACS payments
You can also make payments electronically from your bank account into the Abbey Church bank account. The information you require to set this up online is:
Bank: Bank of Scotland
Sort Code: 80-17-95
Account Number: 00100437
Gift Aid
If you are a UK tax payer, please download this Gift Aid Declaration form. By completing and returning this form to us, we can increase your financial gift by further 25% by reclaiming the tax from the Inland Revenue. This applies to any of the payment methods above and this one declaration is effective for the whole time you are a UK tax payer; if you stop paying tax you will need to notify us.